Saturday, May 28, 2005

Been a Week

The Brother and I went to Madison Indiana and Cincinnati for a couple of days. It was fun. Did nothing. We drove around the quaint Ohio city for a bit, couldn't think of what to do so headed over to a burb called Newport. Wandered around a mall called "Newport on the Levee".

Were going to look at some kick ass fish, but decided against it.

Going to take in a major league ball game, too damn cold so took a pass.

Bought a CD and a movie at Best buy.

Saw Revenge of the Sith with the Brother.

Did things I could have done at home just as easily.

BUT IT WAS FUN. Got away for a bit. Gambled and won enough to cover my meals while gone, then came home and ended up forking over the saved cash to two hot lil strippers (damn we guys can be so stupid, but then girls can be oh so sweet).

Probably the closest thing I've had to a vacation or trip in many a year. Went to a game con (think of it as a geek-fest if your not a poindexter) a couple of summers back, but that didn't feel like a vacation. This trip did.

I will post up a couple of oddball pics hopefully soon if I can remember.

Got to go, have a cat attacking me.


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