A good Brad Pitt movie?
Shocking I know. After all the turds he's worked through.
Legends of the Fall, Fight Club, Snatch, Ocean's 11, Seven, 12 Monkeys, Troy...
Wait a sec, I liked all those movies.
Hell, its a pain to try and think of a really bad Brad Pitt flick and then inside that movie, its hard to see him doing a bad job at his role.
Anyways. The Brother and I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith. If you want to go see a fun action flick I highly recommend it. Movie physics at work. But it has witty dialogue, Vince Vahn is his usual smarmy self Go see it. It is fun.
How can these 2 be wrong.
Legends of the Fall, Fight Club, Snatch, Ocean's 11, Seven, 12 Monkeys, Troy...
Wait a sec, I liked all those movies.
Hell, its a pain to try and think of a really bad Brad Pitt flick and then inside that movie, its hard to see him doing a bad job at his role.
Anyways. The Brother and I went to see Mr. & Mrs. Smith. If you want to go see a fun action flick I highly recommend it. Movie physics at work. But it has witty dialogue, Vince Vahn is his usual smarmy self Go see it. It is fun.
How can these 2 be wrong.

remember that movie he was in....a made for tv movie i think....in the 90's...he played this scruffy pimp dude, looked alot like he does in the pic you posted...anyway, that movie gave me the creeps but mainly cause it also had Juliette Lewis who i think was playing an underage girl or something....she's kinda....i dunno....i'm creeped out by her but sort of....breifly intrigued or turned on or something....but Angelina Jolie is wayyyyyyy better....ok, i'm rambling.....
anyway....i didn't like 7....i was drunk thru oceans 12....i never saw snatch, legends of the fall makes me cry cause i'ma girl, fight club was good, but i had to watch it a few times before i thought that, never saw troy either.
Didn't Like 7? Wow. I loved that movie. It was just a teensie bit dark though I guess. In much the same way an unlit coalmine might be called dim.
And your right about Juliette Lewis, she's good at the creepy little girl role. And she is so small and compact naturally I think with the right make-up, hair style, and clothing she could still play a freaky teen.
See Snatch.
Bad Pitt movie: Meet Joe Black.
Yeah, the only thing that saved Meet Joe Black was Sir Anthony Hopkins and it took everything that he had.
There was a made for TV movie where Brad Pitt was the good son and Ricky Schroder was the bad son, called Across the Tracks.
Is Mr. and Mrs. King based on Scarecrow and Mrs. King, the 80's tv series starring Kate Jackson?
Actually, its called Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Its an action flick about a couple of secret hitters.
Nothing like the old TV show. Although I would consider that show to be a guilty pleasure of mine.
ok i looked it up and this movie was called 'too young to die' and it came out in 1990.
lewis played a 15 yr old who was charged with murder and brad pitt was her pimp, based on a true story according to IMDB.
anywho, weird movie, wouldn't want to see it again because it was just damn disturbing.
and disturbing doesn't usually bother me, but this time it did in a big way.
Sounds like it could have been a little rough. Was it as disturbing as 8mm w/ Nick Cage?
8mm was not disturbing.
Happiness, now that's disturbing
yes, but in a different way....
this was more like Lewis just doing what she does best...the horrifically emotionally distraught no one loves me thing.....but in this case she was right, no one did...and she was a kid...i don't even like to THINK about it.
and someone else will watch it and say 'oh what the hell that wasn't bad at all!'. but we're all different in what we can cope with in the violence presented to us on screen.
and with this it wasn't physical violence, it was the level of emotional violation she had been through.
8mm was....i dunno...for some weird reason i just didn't think it was disturbing.
the subject matter was, of course...but...the movie itself...nope.
hes had some stinkers, but pretty entertaining fare for the most part
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