Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Just Chillin'

So I woke up at like 11 this morning. Got cleaned up, watched a bit of the ole Star Trek: DS9 (have to keep up that geek cred), then sat down at my computer and began to tinker a bit.

Boring story short - I was 25 minutes late for work today. Hell, I was 15 minutes late yesterday. I took 10 extra minutes at lunch. Fuck it too.

No one has bitched at me yet for it, and I am going to give my official notice tomorrow about going to the fancy new job.

But last night I got the bar ring, and went there sucked down a soda, chilled with my friends while enjoying the air as it cooled down for the evening. It was pleasant.

A friend was shocked that I live on so little money because they make a great deal more and barely make ends meet. They had asked me, "why do I even live if that's all I get."

My response was, "For what its worth I enjoy my life."

Yeah. It sucks having no cash.
I have no woman or girl to call my special someone.
My car is a beater made up to look like a '91 Taurus wagon.
I live in a wee little apartment w/ a cat whose sole job is psychosis manifestation.
I've let myself slip into bad shape because I am WAY TOO FOND of food.
My mom's in such poor health I always answer my family's calls because it could be THE ONE.

But I have been in worse shape financially. I've been evicted from apartments before. My debt was once so bad after a downslide in jobs that I had to file bankruptcy.
I've actually been in slightly worse health before - the one time depression slammed into me.
I've had girlfriends who destroyed me emotionally (but I would be happy to try again).
There was a time when I never talked to my family.

And hell, I have a better job lined up, so finances are clearing up.
I have begun to actually seriously consider my health options.
I am attending school online.

And through it all I have had a small group of ever-changing, but still close, friends.

So, I am in no hurry to hit the do over button.

I want to see how this amusement park ride plays itself out.


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